Hi all, you'll find a detailed itinerary of the clockwise and anticlockwise groups on the homepage of this website. Please use this category for adding any additional stops or places to visit. Thanks in advance.
To answer a question I have had several times already. Why is there 2 directions clockwise and anticlockwis?... Michael Smith is keen to follow the exact timeline and stops of the original flight flying anticlockwise. I'm keen to take a little bit more time and participate in some young Eagles Flights as we travel around. Also it will keep the groups to a smaller number which is much easier to manage.
To answer a question I have had several times already. Why is there 2 directions clockwise and anticlockwis?... Michael Smith is keen to follow the exact timeline and stops of the original flight flying anticlockwise. I'm keen to take a little bit more time and participate in some young Eagles Flights as we travel around. Also it will keep the groups to a smaller number which is much easier to manage.